I’ve been to nearly 50 countries, 40 US states, and countless cities in my travels over the years. Through most of those travels, I’ve taken thousands of photography. Usually they just sit on my hard drive. I might post them to Facebook or email them to friends and family. Friends periodically ask for a copy so they can use it as a background on their computer (and sometimes I make my own photos backgrounds). Rarely do I do much else with the photos.
Ironically, I process them and spend hours and hours tweaking them so they look fantastic, but then I do nothing with them. I finally decided to start doing something with all those photos. I’ve been posting them on this site as part of my Daily Photo. series for one thing.
I also compiled my favorite photos into an ebook, Around the World: A Photographic Journey. This ebook is yours for free!
To receive your free copy, please subscribe to my update list. I send out emails about once a month with interesting information, special photos, and exciting news.
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