I was really excited to be able to visit a friend in Tasmania. I hear so much about Tasmania that I just had to visit. While my visit to Sydney was unseasonably warm, things had cooled down by the time I arrived in Tasmania—and I lack warm enough clothing. That was the only negative part, though. Otherwise, I had a wonderful time visiting my friend, meeting a bunch of nice people, and seeing Mount Field National Park.
People in Tasmania (and around Australia in general) are super nice. My friend works in the arts and I had the chance to visit a gallery opening. I would have gone to some other exhibits, especially at MONA, but alas the bus system is the one thing I cannot recommend in Tasmania. I could never seems to catch a bus no matter how long I waited. I eventually gave up after this happened twice. And to be honest, it was simply too cold to keep standing outside for so long.
Nonetheless, I did get to go a birthday party, saw and heard a kookaburra laughing, almost hit a kangaroo on the drive to my friend’s house, and got the to visit Mt Field National Park. I feel that was pretty good. I only took photos of Mount Field which has some nice hiking around it.

Within moments of walking into the park, I saw this little guy. While he looks pretty evil in this photo, he was actually rather cute. Apparently they are nocturnal but this one was just hanging around—probably because visitors feed them. He wasn’t skittish at all and just stayed there even when I got close to photograph him.
The main attraction at Mount Field is the waterfall, which is actually a series of waterfalls. You can hike you way up to the top most waterfall, which I did. The trail along the way has plenty to see including mushrooms and beech trees. During the early winter, when I was visiting, the park has a thick mist that makes it seem rather surreal, especially with the tree ferns.

I really enjoyed my visit to Mount Field. I wish that it were not so cold when I was visiting because I definitely would have done more hiking. Alas, living for so long in Thailand has meant that I lack winter clothing. I was hoping to see a tasmanian devil, but they are not see very often anymore I am told. A disease has done some serious damage to the populations of devils on the island. I still had a great time and will definitely visit again (when it is warmer).