Weekly Photo: Palolem Beach, Goa

Palolem Beach is far more relaxed that many of the other beaches in Goa. Hoards of tourists flock to Goan beaches every year, but Palolem seems to avoid that mad rush. Of course, it gets it fair share of kids drinking and smoking pot on the beach, though there is a far more geratic and …

Weekly Photo: Indian Temple Sweeper

I watched this guy sweeping for quit some time, snapping a series of photos of him as he went about his business. He paid me little attention, but I was fixated on his ability to sweep so diligently while accomplishing very little. Of course, the light and colors, along with his sweeping in action, made …

Weekly Photo: Tomb of Humayun, New Delhi

On a day tour through New Delhi, I was surprised to be able to actually get this photo to turn out. There was a constant haze that engulfed everything, making it difficult to get any photos to turn out. Fortunately, the hazed cleared and so did the tourists and I was able to take this …